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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * Private utility class for Ext.Splitter.
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.resizer.SplitterTracker', {
    extend: 'Ext.dd.DragTracker',
    requires: ['Ext.util.Region'],
    enabled: true,
    overlayCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'resizable-overlay',

    createDragOverlay: function () {
        var overlay;

        overlay = this.overlay =  Ext.getBody().createChild({
            cls: this.overlayCls, 
            html: ' '

        overlay.setSize(Ext.Element.getViewWidth(true), Ext.Element.getViewHeight(true));

    getPrevCmp: function() {
        var splitter = this.getSplitter();
        return splitter.previousSibling(':not([hidden])');

    getNextCmp: function() {
        var splitter = this.getSplitter();
        return splitter.nextSibling(':not([hidden])');

    // ensure the tracker is enabled, store boxes of previous and next
    // components and calculate the constrain region
    onBeforeStart: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            prevCmp = me.getPrevCmp(),
            nextCmp = me.getNextCmp(),
            collapseEl = me.getSplitter().collapseEl,
            target = e.getTarget(),
        if (!prevCmp || !nextCmp) {
            return false;

        if (collapseEl && target === me.getSplitter().collapseEl.dom) {
            return false;

        // SplitterTracker is disabled if any of its adjacents are collapsed.
        if (nextCmp.collapsed || prevCmp.collapsed) {
            return false;

        // store boxes of previous and next
        me.prevBox  = prevCmp.getEl().getBox();
        me.nextBox  = nextCmp.getEl().getBox();
        me.constrainTo = box = me.calculateConstrainRegion();

        if (!box) {
            return false;

        return box;

    // We move the splitter el. Add the proxy class.
    onStart: function(e) {
        var splitter = this.getSplitter();
        splitter.addCls(splitter.baseCls + '-active');

    // calculate the constrain Region in which the splitter el may be moved.
    calculateConstrainRegion: function() {
        var me         = this,
            splitter   = me.getSplitter(),
            splitWidth = splitter.getWidth(),
            defaultMin = splitter.defaultSplitMin,
            orient     = splitter.orientation,
            prevBox    = me.prevBox,
            prevCmp    = me.getPrevCmp(),
            nextBox    = me.nextBox,
            nextCmp    = me.getNextCmp(),
            // prev and nextConstrainRegions are the maximumBoxes minus the
            // minimumBoxes. The result is always the intersection
            // of these two boxes.
            prevConstrainRegion, nextConstrainRegion, constrainOptions;

        // vertical splitters, so resizing left to right
        if (orient === 'vertical') {
            constrainOptions = {
                prevCmp: prevCmp,
                nextCmp: nextCmp,
                prevBox: prevBox,
                nextBox: nextBox,
                defaultMin: defaultMin,
                splitWidth: splitWidth
            // Region constructor accepts (top, right, bottom, left)
            // anchored/calculated from the left
            prevConstrainRegion = new Ext.util.Region(
            // anchored/calculated from the right
            nextConstrainRegion = new Ext.util.Region(
        } else {
            // anchored/calculated from the top
            prevConstrainRegion = new Ext.util.Region(
                prevBox.y + (prevCmp.minHeight || defaultMin),
                // Bottom boundary is y + maxHeight if there IS a maxHeight.
                // Otherwise it is calculated based upon the minWidth of the next Component
                (prevCmp.maxHeight ? prevBox.y + prevCmp.maxHeight : nextBox.bottom - (nextCmp.minHeight || defaultMin)) + splitWidth,
            // anchored/calculated from the bottom
            nextConstrainRegion = new Ext.util.Region(
                // Top boundary is bottom - maxHeight if there IS a maxHeight.
                // Otherwise it is calculated based upon the minHeight of the previous Component
                (nextCmp.maxHeight ? nextBox.bottom - nextCmp.maxHeight : prevBox.y + (prevCmp.minHeight || defaultMin)) - splitWidth,
                nextBox.bottom - (nextCmp.minHeight || defaultMin),

        // intersection of the two regions to provide region draggable
        return prevConstrainRegion.intersect(nextConstrainRegion);

    // Performs the actual resizing of the previous and next components
    performResize: function(e, offset) {
        var me        = this,
            splitter  = me.getSplitter(),
            orient    = splitter.orientation,
            prevCmp   = me.getPrevCmp(),
            nextCmp   = me.getNextCmp(),
            owner     = splitter.ownerCt,
            flexedSiblings = owner.query('>[flex]'),
            len       = flexedSiblings.length,
            vertical  = orient === 'vertical',
            i         = 0,
            dimension = vertical ? 'width' : 'height',
            totalFlex = 0,
            item, size;

        // Convert flexes to pixel values proportional to the total pixel width of all flexes.
        for (; i < len; i++) {
            item = flexedSiblings[i];
            size = vertical ? item.getWidth() : item.getHeight();
            totalFlex += size;
            item.flex = size;

        offset = vertical ? offset[0] : offset[1];

        if (prevCmp) {
            size = me.prevBox[dimension] + offset;
            if (prevCmp.flex) {
                prevCmp.flex = size;
            } else {
                prevCmp[dimension] = size;
        if (nextCmp) {
            size = me.nextBox[dimension] - offset;
            if (nextCmp.flex) {
                nextCmp.flex = size;
            } else {
                nextCmp[dimension] = size;


    // Cleans up the overlay (if we have one) and calls the base. This cannot be done in
    // onEnd, because onEnd is only called if a drag is detected but the overlay is created
    // regardless (by onBeforeStart).
    endDrag: function () {
        var me = this;

        if (me.overlay) {
             delete me.overlay;

        me.callParent(arguments); // this calls onEnd

    // perform the resize and remove the proxy class from the splitter el
    onEnd: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            splitter = me.getSplitter();
        splitter.removeCls(splitter.baseCls + '-active');
        me.performResize(e, me.getResizeOffset());

    // Track the proxy and set the proper XY coordinates
    // while constraining the drag
    onDrag: function(e) {
        var me        = this,
            offset    = me.getOffset('dragTarget'),
            splitter  = me.getSplitter(),
            splitEl   = splitter.getEl(),
            orient    = splitter.orientation;

        if (orient === "vertical") {
            splitEl.setX(me.startRegion.left + offset[0]);
        } else {
            splitEl.setY(me.startRegion.top + offset[1]);

    getSplitter: function() {
        return this.splitter;

    getVertPrevConstrainRight: function(o) {
        // Right boundary is x + maxWidth if there IS a maxWidth.
        // Otherwise it is calculated based upon the minWidth of the next Component
        return (o.prevCmp.maxWidth ? o.prevBox.x + o.prevCmp.maxWidth :
            o.nextBox.right - (o.nextCmp.minWidth || o.defaultMin)) + o.splitWidth;

    getVertPrevConstrainLeft: function(o) {
        return o.prevBox.x + (o.prevCmp.minWidth || o.defaultMin);

    getVertNextConstrainRight: function(o) {
        return o.nextBox.right - (o.nextCmp.minWidth || o.defaultMin);

    getVertNextConstrainLeft: function(o) {
        // Left boundary is right - maxWidth if there IS a maxWidth.
        // Otherwise it is calculated based upon the minWidth of the previous Component
        return (o.nextCmp.maxWidth ? o.nextBox.right - o.nextCmp.maxWidth :
            o.prevBox.x + (o.prevBox.minWidth || o.defaultMin)) - o.splitWidth;

    getResizeOffset: function() {
        return this.getOffset('dragTarget');